Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Keeping up and Keeping on

Library 2.0 has been a passion of mine since the first day of library school when my group got the piece of paper that said "library 2.0" and we were supposed to tell the class what it meant. Whoa! What an introduction! Especially considering I'd never heard of it before...

So, now for school projects I've written about about Library 2.0 in academic libraries, the role of tagging in the organization of information, and viewed it in terms of required job skills. It continues to play a role in how I keep up to date with library information and news. I have an entire tab of my iGoogle homepage that is dedicated to library RSS feeds. I also check in to my LibraryThing account every now and then to update what I've been reading outside of class - yes, in all that spare time that a mother of two and full time student has I do manage to find time to visit other worlds in fiction.

Will I keep up with the blog? Probably not. At least not in its current form. I've always wanted to blog about the challenges and thrills of raising a child with autism, but maybe down the line. As I've mentioned before, I think it takes an extrovert to really love blogging. And extrovert, I am most definitely not...

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